The Perfect Peel©

Now you can fight the signs of ageing with the Perfect Peel©, a glutathione-rich treatment medically proven to reverse skin damage – delivering the youthful appearance you crave. Developed in LA, the Perfect Peel© uses a blend of glutathione, kojic acid, TCA, retinoic acid, salicylic acid, phenol, and vitamin C to penetrate deep into the cellular level of the skin. Unlike other peels, no skin preparation is required, and most people only need one treatment – saving valuable time with instant results.

pH Formula©

pH formula uses pharmaceutical grade active ingredients in both their homecare and in clinic skin resurfacing treatments. The science and technology behind the brand is truly astounding. pHformula,© is a dermatological skin resurfacing system. A system positioned between cosmeceuticals and ‘in clinic only’, and which is in the process of being successfully introduced into more than 35 countries worldwide. The “pH” in the name of pHformula ©refers to the power of the hydrogen ions (maximum protons that are delivered into the skin).
All patients are required to have a skin consultation before being able to purchase any of the home care products. pH formula is not sold online or over the counter. This ensures that all of pH formulas patients are receiving the best homecare products for their skin. Once you purchase pH formula homecare from Pure Medical Aesthetics Clinic, you have access to Deby who is an advanced skin specialist and will help you with all your skin concerns. pH formula has a wide range of products which can treat most skin concerns. Generally, patients start on one of their fantastic homecare kits as an introduction for the skin to the brand. pH formula© in clinic skin resurfacing treatments – “no peel peels” are great, they can be tailor-made to any patient to treat majority of skin results offering amazing results. Typically, patients need sessions once every 2, 4 or 6 weeks depending on the resurfacing treatment chosen for the patient.

Skin concerns pH formula can treat include.
• Hypopigmentation
• Hyperpigmentation
• Rosacea
• Acne
• Aging (fine line, wrinkles)
• Scaring

Generally improving the overall tone, texture and appearance of the skin. Typically, on the face but the products can be used anywhere on the body